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seasons of your career: change you design

No matter where you are on your Career Life Line, ten years ago it looked different and it may change in the next ten years. Your parents and grandparents probably worked many years at one place. But just as factory and farm jobs have dwindled, 20-30 year long careers are often a thing of the past. Career reinvention has become the norm as we work into our 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

To see how far you’ve come, draw a line across a piece of paper to create a Career Timeline. Start noting work in your teens and progress to today. There may be some non-employment sections where family care, education or sabbaticals were your focus. By analyzing your reactions to each period or season, you can gather information on their personal significance.

What motivates you at 50 is often different than at 25. Unless you live a single life, family influences your decisions: where to work, how intensely, what salary, amount of travel and responsibility. The risks you undertake depend on your responsibilities. If you have only yourself to care for, you may take more chances: go overseas, live simply, change jobs frequently, start a business.

But often in the middle of your life, you have commitments that color your decision making. Maybe it’s children, aging parents, a partner, mortgage or other debts. These are practical obstacles. Unlike obstacles, your motivators call you to follow your passions, grow in expertise, make a difference, become a leader or accumulate a fortune.

When Mark graduated college he felt an urge to see the world. His interest in becoming a financial analyst was intriguing, but the call to leave the U.S. was greater. Combining both was a possibility that Mark investigated. He was able to secure an opportunity in India with an international company. Because he had no ties in the form of partner, children, mortgage or aging parents,  Mark told himself this was his window of opportunity. He could follow the risky path. He took the job and tested out life overseas and India in particular.

When have you taken a fairly risky career jump? I took my first one at 19 by teaching English in Colombia. After a semester abroad, I had 8 months free from college and sought out more experiences. This proved invaluable to me personally and professionally. While I never was a full time educator after that, I have always incorporated teaching into my life work.

“Most things worth doing come with their fair share of risks”
Kirsten Beyer

As Mark aged, his priorities changed. After 5 years he transferred with his company back to the U.S. He had traveled greatly which was invigorating, but he missed his family and friends and wanted to experience life in the U.S. again. The good news was that he had gained expertise and advanced in his company. A low risk change. Over the years, Mark married, raised a family and bought a house. His need for stability grew.

Frequently at midlife the reasons you work are complicated. You may be responsible for others and have serious financial obligations. Your freedom to take large risks is compromised. Much weighs on your decisions. This restriction may feel like a burden that you’d like to throw off. Some people do this through divorce, job termination or drastic moves. Sometimes that works and sometimes not.

What are your options during this responsible period? And what lies after it? Although it may not feel like it now, life gets more simple as you age. If you are fortunate, you launch your children, are financially secure and your health is good. Any of these can go wrong, which complicates the picture and changes your focus temporarily.

But let’s hope that you handle the bumps that come along and eventually end up in a calmer period of time. This is a season when you can again focus clearly on your livelihood and life style. And take a risk.

For Mark he wanted more freedom in his 60’s so he could return to travel and foreign living, so he became an international consultant. For me I wanted to work for myself and also have the flexibility to follow my interests. During 4 years I planned an exit from my main career, including financial planning, career identification and re-training. By 59 I was ready to move on and start a new business. No one was dependent on me, so the risk was mine alone. I had a mortgage, but also a nest egg and significant experience.

The seasons of your careers grow and develop. It’s up to you. You create the scenario partly through your actions and partly by how you handle unexpected life events. The best reminder is that you are the captain of your own ship. If you want change, head in that direction.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”
Nelson Mandela

Craft your seasons:

Identify your passions
Choose an opportunity for change
Design the needed preparation
Commit on a beginning date

Step outside the box and see you on the path!

heading west: finding your lifestyle

Ever traveled outside your familiar surroundings and were amazed by the differences? Usually I notice that when overseas, but last month I visited a unique area in New Mexico. Compared to Washington DC, I was immersed into a distinct flora, climate, energy and lifestyle.

I notice that I display a different temperament  depending on my settings. Some thrill me, while others are a turn off. Where we grow up is out of our control. But later many of us migrate for school, work opportunities or relationships. We may not prioritize our surroundings ahead of work and love. And yet I believe we discover a compelling fit in certain environments versus others.

I always thought my ideal environment included water, sun, warmth and palm trees. While in New Mexico, there were gorgeous, huge, blue skies with sun, clouds and warmth. Not big bodies of water. Instead there were mountains, sagebrush and various browns and greens. The air was dry and invigorating.

But what also struck me were the people. On vacation you have time to talk with people and in Taos especially, residents wanted to talk with us. We had the pleasure of learning people’s stories and journeys. Other than Native Americans, everyone was from somewhere else. And it appeared they deliberately chose this destination.

As we age many of us move. We move to be closer to family. We move to warmer, less expensive areas. We might still move for work. But perhaps we consider what the location has to offer more than earlier in our lives. We create criteria that is vital to us.

Just as we learn more about which careers fit us best, with experience we know what type of home we prefer. Congestion or open spaces, warm or cold, U.S. or foreign, high or low. What comes with these varied areas are unique people. People who behave differently due to their environment, priorities, values, way of life.

In New Mexico we met people who have chosen this community for the lifestyle, the people, the possibilities. They had moved from the East, South and Midwest to this very distinct country. Some were almost pioneers to a new land. Initially living without electricity and water, they started businesses and became artists. They felt inspired by the culture, nature and beauty.

If you had your choice, where would you prefer to live? What kind of community would you seek out? What’s missing where you are? What has impacted you when traveling? Where are you at your best? What feels like home?

“(Neighbor is) not he whom I find in my path, but rather he in whose path I place myself, he whom I approach and actively seek”

Gustavo Gutierrez

Margaret is working in New York City. She has the job of her dreams, although it is very stressful. She grew up in Colorado, but found more job opportunities in the East. While she lacks much free time, Margaret misses the outdoor sports that were important to her growing up. She wonders if being active in nature on the weekends might alleviate her stress. But instead she stays inside most of the time and brings work home.

When will lifestyle outweigh livelihood for Margaret? When will it for you? Some people don’t wait for retirement in order to live closer to their ideal environment. People, pace and nature call you to change your current way of life. The support and camaraderie of communities which inspire your creativity and hopefulness go a long way toward raising your wellbeing. Salary and title may become less important as you mature. Finding the fit in life involves much more than work.

Find your place:

List your favorite places on Earth
Detail what about them call you
Find the commonalities
Make a plan to include these factors now
Ask what is possible

Get on the road and let’s meet on the path!

working for yourself: taking action, part 2

To become an entrepreneur requires much enthusiasm, imagination and execution. If truth be told, we’d all probably prefer to be our own boss and create our special business. A common belief is that running your own business is fun all the time. What I hear from entrepreneurs is they enjoy parts of their work and dislike others. Just as employees do.

So why take that risk? Why stick your neck out to give up security for the unknown? As we saw last month, Marion, the bank VP, is wondering just that. Financially, if she continues for 10 more years in her current position, she will be able to retire with a good monthly income. Then at 60, what will her lifestyle be?

How will she spend her time, Marion wonders. Her mind drifts back to her clothes designing interest. “That’s how I want to spend my time now. I don’t want to wait 10 years in the future”. The thought of remaining with the bank for 10 more years is agonizing to Marion. She wants a plan to leave, but leave in a way that preserves her investment and prepares her for a more satisfying future.

The results from Marion’s financial health analysis detail her income, expenses, debts and assets. In preparation for this career change, Marion vows to pay off her debts, lower her expenses and save more. If she leaves the bank now, she will have a retirement account for the future. But she doesn’t want to deplete that money for her current personal expenses. If she stays, that account will grow.

Marion concludes she needs her bank salary to survive. She cannot quit and fund a new business without substantial savings or a benefactor. Rather than being discouraged, Marion is inspired to start a part time business on the side. She wants to answer some vital questions: do I really like doing design work, is there a demand for my creations, and can I make a profit at this?

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marion decides she needs role models, people who are successful at designing and selling clothes. She wants to learn from people who do the creative work as well as the business side. She did some informational interviewing in Italy and now will contact professionals in her community as well as in U.S. fashion capitals. She uses her contacts and her knowledge of the field to come up with a list of people to call.

This outreach into an unfamiliar business community provides Marion an entree into her desired field. People contacted are generous about sharing their advice, support and start-up lessons. Just like with Positano, Marion is thrilled to talk business with these professionals. They share the same “fire in the belly”. Marion comes away with possible models for her design business. She shadows owners and offers to assist them where possible.

What results is a preliminary collaboration with a design firm that needs production assistants. In addition Marion is able to use their facilities to produce some of her own samples. Once she has a portfolio of dress designs, Marion explores her distribution options. Building on the advice of her mentors, she chooses two delivery methods: one is direct sales at a local market and the other is consignment to a nearby boutique.

Marion isn’t making a profit yet. But she is learning the parts of the business needed to excel on her own. And she discovers that design is the aspect of work she prefers. Sewing feels like a mechanical exercise that she would rather hand off to someone else.

As Marion grows her reputation, her products show up in more boutiques locally and nationally. She hones her signature style and receives requests for custom work. She continues to work at the bank to pay personal bills, but her business gradually becomes self supporting. At the bank Marion develops a special interest in small business funding and is able to create a department specializing in micro loans to new entrepreneurs.

The satisfaction from helping others implement their dreams as well as following her own allows Marion to stay on a path which will lead one day to leaving the bank and working solely for herself. The years of experience and exposure will ensure a smooth transition into her next act.

“Everyone who achieves success in a great venture solved each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves and they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They kept going regardless of the obstacles they met”

W. Clement Stone

Invest in your dream:

Choose your business niche
Join your community
Learn all you can
Ask to work collaboratively
Create your mark
Enjoy the innovation

Make your unique way and see you on the path!

working for yourself: the entrepreneur within

You have unique ideas. You dream of working at something you love. You feel bored at work. Your co-workers are nice, but your heart isn’t engaged in your present role. You aren’t even sure the organization’s mission resonates with you anymore.

Perhaps you have traveled this experience as far as you can. Or perhaps you can alter your current position to better things in the future. You can either unravel what is possible within or outside of your organization.

Often at midlife employees feel chained to their jobs. Some call it “Golden Handcuffs”. I first heard that term when I worked for local government. All of a sudden the job you took on a whim in your twenties/thirties has lasted 20 plus years and you are deep into the benefits package. Your lifestyle and responsibilities have grown and you are living well on those benefits. Alternate companies are no longer offering defined retirement plans, 5 weeks vacation, security, recognition.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”

Chinese Proverb

What would make you leave all that behind? What leap are you willing to take? Some people have a burning desire to create their own business. After learning the ropes in a particular field, you want to be in charge, to do it your way, to be creative. Or you have a secondary interest that has followed you throughout your life. It never seemed practical enough to provide support, but it kept calling you.

Maybe you left it behind or maybe you made it a hobby. But it’s always brought you great pleasure and satisfaction. It’s something you could learn about and practice for hours without tiring. What would it be like to turn this love into a business?

The fear in taking this passion seriously is that it would erase the joy. It would become work and resemble what you are struggling with now. So you ignore the call and put it in the impossible dream category.

What if you had the courage to look at it differently? What if you examined the possibilities versus the unlikelihoods?

Marion loves designing and sewing. Since being a young girl, she has drawn and made her own clothes. Marion learned from her mother who created her children’s clothes for financial reasons. Marion has less time now to sew and more money from her job as a bank Vice President to buy designer clothes. But she’s still fascinated by the innovative, hands on process.

What can Marion do? It might be foolish to give up what she has developed as a professional. But every year she is feeling more restless, less satisfied. Her job is not very creative. She is extremely competent at her position, but has little wiggle room to operate differently.

Marion takes an Italian vacation and visits Positano. There she is fascinated by the unique stores selling handmade clothes and shoes. She learns the town has a long history of family workshops and begins talking with the owners, designers and seamstresses. She is in heaven to be around these people.

Once home to her real world, Marion cannot forget what she experienced in Positano. She wonders about having her own business. Is it an unachievable dream or something she could establish? Being a practical person with many resources, Marion begins researching the design trade. She locates people to interview. She begins drafting a business plan.

Having seen many business plans as a bank official, Marion is familiar with the required elements. Each one leads her to more thought and investigation regarding niche, legalities, expenses, marketing. She takes a local course given by a small business attorney to learn more. All the while, Marion is planning and building, weighing the costs and benefits. She is excited.

While Marion knows she likes to design and sew, there are more pieces needed to run a successful business. She identifies those and consults people who are doing them. She ponders the options of a brick and mortar store, or online sales or supplying inventory to larger companies. Which would bring her most satisfaction? Delivering the products into the hands of customers or being further removed?

All the while, Marion is examining her financials. What is needed to begin a business? How much does she require to live on? What is the risk of leaving the bank and going off on her own? What is the risk of never trying this?

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable”

Christopher Reeve

We’ll learn more about Marion’s decisions next month.  Meanwhile you can:

Identify your work passion
Ask what part of it intrigues you
Visualize developing a business
Find role models to learn from
Assess your financial health

Start dreaming and see you on the path!

late blooming: careers meant for you

Ever wonder how your career would look if you had chosen a different major, or lived abroad or worked twenty years before starting a family? We can call these curiosities or regrets or even contemplations. What still nags at you to accomplish or experience? I’ve always wanted to live on the edge of water and if I’m really truthful, wanted to live and work outside the U.S….for a while.

I did the foreign piece and still am fortunate to travel frequently. After a long career as a therapist, I started my own business. Which is like giving birth at 60. And I’m still helping people, which I love. So what’s missing? Is it just a lifestyle by the water?

What is essential in your lifestyle and livelihood? What is calling you? Is it a writing career, politics or that invention you never started? Is it a dreamed about community or lifestyle?

Whenever I return from a trip I’m thrilled to be back in my own comfortable space. I say to friends, “I love my house and garden, but I wish I could carry them around the world”. Seeing and experiencing new vistas and cultures bring excitement, stimulation and learning.

People feel similarly about their jobs. Over time they become stale, you want something new. And yet frequent reluctance to change keeps you inert. Career benefits, security and colleagues block any urge to transition. Plus a worry that it is too late. You wonder if you are too old to be hired, too foggy to go back to school, too tired to become an entrepreneur.

The myth that everything career related must be accomplished by age 65 restricts you from dreaming up new paths. And yet look at the “late” bloomers, people who have entered new realms while in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s: Grandma Moses, Colonel Sanders, Ronald Reagan, Laura Ingalls Wilder.

You probably have already bloomed in one or more fields, but is there a new one bubbling inside? Sometimes your blooming interest is related in focus, but comes in a different form. Or you turn a hobby into a career. Or you proceed in an entirely different direction.

Experience and age lead to increased self knowledge and motivation. You have the awareness of what makes you happy, how you prefer spending your time, what’s essential to your existence. Creating purpose and giving back call out as we get older. Knowing your work is vital to others allows you to feel relevant and useful.

Aging reminds you that life is finite. You don’t have unlimited time. What are you avoiding that is important? Even if the answer isn’t readily evident, the nagging dissatisfaction signals it’s time to look. To dig deeper into what needs to be eliminated and added to your life.

“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open”

Alexander Graham Bell

Bill is 55 and has a good position and success in his company. He enjoys his co-workers and makes a comfortable living. But Bill is wondering how much longer he wants to remain. While considering retirement at the traditional age of 65, Bill can’t fathom doing this career ten more years. He wants more freedom, more creativity, something more challenging to sink his teeth into. Something that matters. Bill is on the Board of a local non-profit. Helping children from impoverished homes feels very fulfilling to him.

“Certainly I can’t go back to school to become a social worker,” Bill thinks. “I’m way too old for that.” But who says Bill is too old and that higher education is the only entry to a new field? In order to discover his options for helping children, Bill needs more information about what organizations exist and the variety of roles professionals fill. Bill needs to talk to people who are doing what interests him. He requires role models and mentors.

What actions do you need to take in order to bloom in a new way? How vital is it for you to grow and develop? What will be the loss if you fail to act? A place to begin is this resource on career changes.

And no, for me a lifestyle by the water isn’t enough.

Get ready for blooming:

What will you regret never doing?
How do you want to contribute?
What talents can you share?
Explore the possibilities
Try one on

Keep growing and see you on the path!

el camino: finding your way

In June I experienced the pleasure of hiking the Camino de Santiago for two weeks. Pilgrims have followed various paths to Santiago de Compostela, Spain since the 9th Century.

A pilgrim is one who journeys to a place of special significance. This can be a physical location or a place within yourself. Many contemporary Camino pilgrims travel for religious, spiritual or adventure reasons. My Camino impetus was a mixture of motivations: celebrating my husband’s special birthday, experiencing new vistas and being active.

However what resulted were opportunities to think about my path, fulfill a dream and discover how other travelers approach life. My fellow pilgrims and guides were mid-lifers and beyond: we ranged from 40’s to 80’s.  We all possessed great life experiences, valuable relationships and accomplishments, but we were eager for more.

Being in nature provides a perfect spiritual backdrop for contemplation. And if that isn’t enough, entering each town’s sacred meeting place allowed for quiet and solitude. Creating a personalized “retreat” like this for growth and renewal is a gift everyone can use.

When and how do you take a break from the hustle of every day life? When do you think about where you are going, where you’ve been and what’s ahead? Who do you have these conversations with?

Often your talks with friends and family are around what you are doing vs who you are becoming. With strangers there is a freedom to be real. To cut through the details and get straight to what’s vital about your existence. Because you’re unlikely to see these people again, you can often have more honest exchanges. It reminds me of those conversations that occur with airplane seat mates…meeting someone and leaving changed.

Perhaps being away from home gives you permission to explore, be different, interrupt the status quo. This was a hike with a destination and a purpose. We lived completely in the present, but had room for reflection. A walking meditation works for some and for others a walk with thinking, sensing, or talking.

One special highlight of the Camino was receiving a pilgrim’s blessing on two separate occasions: one in a simple, rural church and one in the great Cathedral in Santiago. Here we were recognized, honored, supported. Walking the Camino was valuable and significant. We felt encouraged and included in a community that goes back hundreds of centuries.

“Traveler, there is no path
The path is made by walking

Traveler, the path is your tracks
And nothing more

Traveler, there is no path
The path is made by walking

By walking you make a path
And turning, you look back
At a way you will never tread again

Traveler, there is no road
Only wakes in the sea”

Antonio Machado

Closer to home, Mavis is uncomfortable. She thought she knew what she wanted to do with her life, but now is not sure. The things that at first interested her, no longer hold that attraction. What happened she wonders. How could that passion disappear? She feels lost, without a compass.

All of us have times in our lives when we are lost personally or professionally like Mavis. It could be after college, at midlife, at retirement, after a death or divorce. A bell rings signaling time to re-evaluate. It’s a tipping point. You have to change course and you don’t want to blow it. You want to get it right.

The truth is there is no “right”. Life isn’t a straight shot to the goal. It’s a series of meanders, where you head in the best imagined direction with the information you have. And then, when that no longer works, you pick up again on a new route.

One day in Madrid while in a curvy, medieval section of town with map in hand, I couldn’t find where I wanted to go. As usual the print was too small, the streets weren’t named and I was lost. But after the frustration, I instead focused on the beauty of the architecture, the joy of the people and the cloud formations above. Eventually the destination was found, but looking back I remember the journey as the best part.

Making your way:

Create your retreat experience
Leave it spontaneous or have intentions
Write down your findings
Start a thread of themes
Dare to glimpse ahead, stretch
Take one step

Buen Camino. Y a ti también.

midlife gap year: finding answers experientially

Malia Obama will attend Harvard University, but first she’s taking a gap year. How she’ll use that time is not yet known, but many midlife adults are saying, “I want one too”. If you never scheduled a gap year or if it was a long time ago, how might a break like this benefit you?

Midlife is a perfect time to take stock, change direction, sample something new. Often you operate at supersonic speed in work and home. When asked what you really want, you are so unfamiliar with choices that you can’t reply. You know you want some changes, but you don’t know what else exists.

Exiting the daily routine exposes you to new ways of living and working. For young people, gap year traditions can occur between high school and college or become a “backpacking trip though the world” between college and career. Both provide a kinesthetic education in whatever intrigues the explorer. Usually there is an intention for the break: something to learn, experience, or decide. Rather than being frivolous, a gap is a creative method of uncovering new answers for yourself.

When I was 19 I designed some gap years. I studied in Bogota for a semester, fell in love with Colombia and a man, and invented a reason to remain. I landed jobs teaching ESL in Medellin and Barranquilla and stayed two years.

For me that experience was life changing. I was immersed in a new culture and language. I gained confidence and experience in teaching and I was ignited by the travel bug. So personally and professionally I benefited. Since then I have created other opportunities to gap it: refugee work in Thailand, stay at home parenting, overseas Spanish study, and extensive post graduate education.

So are gaps just for the young? Have you missed your chance? Do you have to wait until retirement to get out and do something different? I hope not. What if you could structure something now? What would you like to do? How can you make it happen?

Some careers have gaps or sabbaticals built into their life cycles: higher education, ministry, even school teachers have the summers off. Some people choose their career based on its flexibility for family or self. Is flexibility a benefit you can negotiate in a job offer, or prioritize in your search or even ask for now?

A midlife gap has to be more than a long vacation. You can enter into a discerning process of what personal answers you are seeking, what career information or experience you require, or what transformation is necessary for your next level of growth.

Sometimes the gap can be a lateral move in your organization. It could be a year off to get another degree or certification. It can be a planned interlude between jobs. While the Peace Corps has a mostly young face, it and other volunteer opportunities serve the gap purpose at any age. After my one year VISTA job ended, I went back to graduate school and also volunteered in a Thai refugee camp. Those were the days… And it doesn’t have to be a year. With clear boundaries and goals a gap experience can be beneficial for one, three or six months.

Stacy is a CPA who is itching for a change in work and life. She wants to possibly move out West and work for a larger organization. Over time Stacy identifies several government and corporate entities in California, Arizona and Utah that use the services of a CPA. She contacts managers and learns about their unmet needs. She negotiates a temporary reduction in hours and the capacity to work virtually in her current job. Once she obtains an offer, Stacy creates the space to move out West and work part-time. This gives her more information so that she can design a career vision that better fits.

Finding ways to think outside the box so that both you and the business prosper is challenging and compelling.  Without current gap institutions, midlifers need to design opportunities instead of wishing they were college students or retirees.  Our inflexible systems can be tweaked by taking risks to the betterment of all. The risk of not acting is to burnout and waste your talents.

Ethan Knight, Executive Director, American Gap Association,, is a fan of the saying:

“Mankind can only dream as big as we’ve seen”


So to do it, you have to see it, experience it, try it out. Perhaps you can pioneer gap years for midlife and become a role model in this transformative endeavor.

Design your personal gap experience:

What is missing in your life?
What do you want to change?
Identify 3-5 intentions
Create experiences
Evaluate the data
Incorporate the learning

Take your risk and see you on the path!

midlife career change: thinking outside the box

Many 50 something people have had it with their jobs. What once was interesting and challenging has now become burdensome. You long for a change, but fear the consequences.

Who will hire an older worker? What do you want to do next? Where can you go? And who will match  your salary and benefits? These are legitimate questions that require creative solutions. Though eager for a change, you want to control the outcome. You want something better for yourself, not worse. But you fear you will regret your moves.

Unpleasant work is at least familiar. With new work you don’t know what lies ahead. It’s unlikely at 50 or 60 that you will find a job posting that sounds like it’s exactly made for you. But at first that’s what you might do…look at job listings.

Maybe that kind of search is how you began your career. But it’s rarely how you will progress now. The hard truth is that the opportunity you seek isn’t out there. You have to design it. And most people hate to hear that. They want an easier way. Surely you’ve earned it. You want people to call you with an opportunity.

Of course there are still government and private jobs that are listed online. But even those require making connections and becoming noticed. And you wonder, do they already have someone in mind for this position? How do you become that someone?

Olivia has climbed her ladder successfully and is paying the price for it. She is stressed, overweight, has high blood pressure, her marriage is rocky and she finds little time for family or friends. With achievement at work comes more responsibility, greater expectations, higher stakes. Olivia wishes she could disappear sometimes, but doesn’t even take her vacation time. Who would carry the ship when she is gone? If they mess things up, she’ll have more to clean up when she returns. It’s not even worth it.

Once you have reached the top, it’s hard to back down. That’s not the way it works, or is it? What if it was customary to switch gears, change priorities, walk away and care less for the title and salary and do more of what you want?

Even after working for years, many of us don’t know what we want. You know you don’t relish what exists, but have little idea of what’s possible. And you have lots of doubts about your ability to reinvent.

Reinvention can be a lonely road. Thinking about something new while you are struggling with huge responsibilities is daunting. You wonder if it’s easier to suffer through your career until the magic date of “retirement”. But then you’re faced with another transition. What will you do with yourself then? Better to figure out your path as early as possible and act on it, than live an unauthentic life. And it’s never one path, but many.

“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking”

Robert Harold Schuller

Gathering together all your lessons learned, your self knowledge and your courage, it’s time to have a serious talk. What’s the cost if you go on like this 10-20 more years? Do you wait until your later years find true satisfaction? Some options are to make things better where you are, get a side gig you love or make a switch.

Figuring out the basic essentials you require to live a satisfied life and tapping into your curiosity can lead you on a journey of investigation. What do you enjoy? If you didn’t have to work, what would you do? What skills do you want to share? Who needs your help? What environment calls you? Getting these answers gives you a direction.

Once you have a direction you can find others who share your interests, whether it’s groups, institutions, associations. Go out and meet those people. Learn how they are contributing. Start involving yourself. An attitude of possibility, positivity and puzzle solving will serve you as you enter your transition.

Write your own job description. Be brave, uncensored, honest. Then find ways to carry it out. It may not come in a package with everything tied up in a box. Instead, think outside the old boxes. Find new ways to live differently. Head in a new direction that builds on the past but doesn’t replicate it.

Thinking will not overcome fears but action will”

William Clement Stone

Ready to start?

Discover your target
Where’s the community?
Learn from them
Start to engage
Create your own opportunities

Leap onto the path and see you there!

five year life plan: do you have one?

Sometimes I eat alone in restaurants. While there my options are to read a book, surf the internet or eavesdrop. Recently a conversation at the next table caught my attention. “Do you have a 5 year life plan?” the millennial man asked. “No, do you?” the millennial woman answered.

“It’s been at the top of my list for months,” he replied. “Where do you want to live?” asked the woman.  “I don’t know,”responded the man.

Given what I do, I was all in for this conversation. So much, that I wanted to move my chair closer and  share my perspective. But instead I’m writing about it. I was thrilled that people are really thinking about life plans and not surprised that they were confused. And I am aware that working on one’s life plan gets shoved aside by the other demands of one’s life.

When does focus on life planning come to the forefront? In a crisis, in an opportunity, when all is sailing along smoothly? At what stage of life is a plan important? Post graduation, pre-retirement, midlife? Do you have a life plan? When’s the last time you created one?

Many people tell me they can’t think five years ahead. What stops them? Is it fear? Lack of curiosity or lack of self awareness? Overwhelm, disempowerment? There’s no urgency to do heavy forecasting if life is working well for you. But if you are dissatisfied with parts of your life, i.e. job, relationships, health, growth, it’s a sign that some attention is needed now.

Belinda is 55 and wants to bolt from her 15 year job. She makes good money, has a corner office, staff report to her, her opinions are valued and she’s a leader in her profession. But…Belinda is bored, frustrated, antsy and confused. People would kill for her job, but it feels to Belinda that this job is killing her.

She wonders if it’s ok to feel this way when people her age are being let go. She’s heard it’s difficult to get a new job once you’re in your 50’s. The economy is shaky and Belinda still has a mortgage and aging parents. Plus she’d like to save more money for retirement.

Should Belinda tough it out for another 10 years or dare to dream? What if Belinda were 35, would her options look different? Has Belinda missed her chance for career satisfaction?

“Some things cannot be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, blown off course for a while. Plain sailing is pleasant, but you are not going to explore many unknown realms that way”
David Whyte

If Belinda were to expand her definition of career lifespan and instead of retiring at 65 she imagined working to 75+, how would that change her vision?

People over 50 have many flexible options before them: self employment, part time/full time, seasonal, project based, volunteer and board work. And work isn’t the only area of life that calls for planning. It is vital to think about what you want in terms of your health, leisure, spirituality, family, wealth, home, community, legacy and relationships.

It’s likely that the millennial couple will have five or more major careers in their lives. Think about yourself. How many different kinds of careers have you had? I’m on my sixth. An attitude shift that working or contributing longer is the norm broadens your possibilities. We also know that making a contribution as you age is good for your health: physically, mentally, spiritually and socially.

One resource to help you design a five year plan is the Life Planning Network’s book: “Live Smart after 50”. Written by LPN professionals who are experts in diverse fields, this book can be valuable at any age. Whether you are 25 or 55, thoughtfully examining your life: where you are and where you want to be, guarantees a more authentic life.

“The greatest tragedy is to live out someone else’s life thinking it was your own”
David Whyte

Your five year plan:

Look back at your wins
Identify the themes
What’s calling you?
Dream up some possibilities
Investigate one or two
Define the initial steps and act

Full speed ahead and see you on the path!

career metamorphosis: transforming your life

Exploring the tropics of Panama this month woke me up to several vibrant transformations of insects and people. Surrounded by growth, energy and adventure, the flora and fauna are brilliant and the people live with gusto.

At the “Butterfly Haven” we witnessed Morpho butterflies transform into an entirely different shape and form. There is no mini figure growing into an adult. Instead, it is a complete metamorphosis.

Viewing the metamorphosis of the Morpho reminds me of how people change and develop throughout their lives. Sometimes that change is gradual and others it feels abrupt. In humans change can be stimulated by an awakening desire to do something different, to become someone different.

The realization that your current career is not fulfilling or is not bringing you joy usually creeps up. Many people are surprised that a job they fought for and carried out for years is now bringing them a sense of gloom. When did it change and why? When did your dreams of implementing a new vision absorb more of your energy than the efforts to move ahead in your current position?

Is there a life cycle of job compatibility? Looking back over your work history provides information on what worked and what caused that irritation that later was impossible to ignore. Initially you are “all in”. You need to be in order to succeed and grow in new circumstances. Your focus is driven toward making this work.

But in time, there is a shift. You may settle in and love how you are contributing. You admire the development of your skills, appreciate your results and enjoy your team and leaders.

But often over time, that enjoyment changes. Is it a natural ending to the job satisfaction life cycle or have systems changed so much that the job you began is now unrecognizable? It’s predictable that everything changes: you, the players, needs, trends, solutions, technology…At times you roll with the changes and are intrigued by them and at others they begin to grate. Grate against your values, your talents, your interests.

And now you want out. But where to go? Do you require a complete transformation from caterpillar to butterfly or a more subtle alternative?

The Panama we observed seems to attract pioneers. People leaving behind their former professions and starting something new. One was a dentist who, while looking for a retirement home, ended up as a chocolate farmer and tour guide. Another was a photographer who took a risk by owning a B&B. A third was a group of friends, including a “reformed attorney”, who longed to create a fishing camp but instead built an eco lodge targeting birders.

All heard the call of a different way of life and work. All investigated the possibilities and weighed the pros and cons. All were comfortable with taking a risk, knowing that nothing is guaranteed in life. They went into their transformations with clear eyes and the excitement for what lay ahead. One comforts himself with the knowledge that he could go back if needed. All established some form of safety net. They are thrilled by their results and intrigued by the challenges ahead.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk…In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks”

Mark Zuckerberg

So what’s standing in the way of implementing your dreams? We all have barriers: fear, money, lack of information, inertia. The difference between those that get things done and those that obsess about it is action. Step by step, making the plan to get closer to that goal and acting on it.

Here’s the truth. Action feels wonderful. It makes you feel alive, even if you have doubts. But inertia feels confusing, heavy, overwhelming. If you don’t like where you are, do something about it. If it’s scary, find a community, follow role models, fill in the knowledge blanks.

In life you may start in one place and end up in a totally different one like the butterfly. The ongoing practice of increasing your self awareness promotes success in designing the “just right” fit.

Begin your metamorphosis:

Define your dreams
Establish your targets
Identify the first 3 steps
Step onto the path
Encourage yourself

Smooth flying and see you on the path!